
Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Teenagers

The teenage years (ages 13 to 18) can present numerous challenges for parents, so if you’re struggling, just remember that you’re not alone. Below are some examples of issues that parents commonly face with their teens, as well as advice for how to handle these situations:Romantic relationships – It’s common for children to enter their first romantic relationships during their...[ read more ]

Understanding Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety disorder causes a person to worry excessively about being separated from someone who’s close to them. For example, someone with this type of anxiety may worry about being separated from a parent or caregiver.This anxiety disorder most commonly affects children. While it’s normal for infants and toddlers to experience separation anxiety, they usually outgrow the issue once they...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Infants

Parents face challenges at every stage of their child’s development, and infancy (birth to 1 year of age) is no exception. Here are some of the obstacles commonly faced when children are at this age, as well as some helpful parenting tips:Exhaustion – Regularly feeding, burping, changing, bathing, and soothing an infant leaves little room for sleep, so it’s no...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Toddlers

If you have a toddler (1 to 3 years of age), you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. If so, you’re not alone. As children reach this stage of development, they often begin displaying more behavior issues, which can be incredibly challenging for their parents. Below are a few of the obstacles commonly faced during the toddler stage, as well as parenting tips...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Preteens

Are you the parent of a preteen (9 to 13 years of age)? If so, you’ve probably noticed many of their behaviors starting to shift over the past few months or years. Here are a few of the challenges that parents commonly face when their children are in their “tween” years:Friends vs. family – Younger children tend to gravitate toward...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Preschool- & School-Aged Children

Do you have a preschool- or school-aged child (3 to 9 years of age)? If so, you’re probably beginning to encounter challenges that you didn’t experience during their infant and toddler years. Below are some of the obstacles that parents commonly face with children this age, as well as tips for how to address them:Separation anxiety – It’s common for...[ read more ]

How to Help Your Teen Become a Happy, Productive Adult

Adolescence is a critical life stage. In fact, during ages 11-20, the foundation for who your child will become is laid out. It is your responsibility as a parent to guide your teen through the turbulent tides of adolescence and guide them onto the shores of happy adulthood. Here are ways that you can support your adolescent through the challenging...[ read more ]

How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce

Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful and emotional times in a person’s life. It’s hard enough wrapping your own head around the event, but trying to break the news to your children can be especially difficult.Many parents struggle having this conversation because they worry they may not be able to keep their emotions in check....[ read more ]

Helping Kids Cope with Divorce

Divorce isn’t easy for anyone, but children can take it particularly hard. Many children don’t understand what is happening and many more feel the divorce is somehow their fault.  Here’s how you can help your child cope:Communicate OpenlyThe divorce should be explained in simple and straightforward terms. If at all possible, both parents should be part of the conversation. Your language...[ read more ]

Tips to Talking Mental Health with Your Child or Teen

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with a mental illness, you know firsthand how the diagnosis can impact your life. Mental illness is not only challenging for adults to understand but children as well. With so many myths and misconceptions surrounding mental illness, it’s easy for young people to feel anxious and confused.With this in mind, here...[ read more ]