
Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Teenagers

The teenage years (ages 13 to 18) can present numerous challenges for parents, so if you’re struggling, just remember that you’re not alone. Below are some examples of issues that parents commonly face with their teens, as well as advice for how to handle these situations:Romantic relationships – It’s common for children to enter their first romantic relationships during their...[ read more ]

Psychology vs. Psychiatry

Many people use the terms “psychology” and “psychiatry” interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different areas of practice. Psychologists and psychiatrists are both trained to identify and treat mental health issues, and both regularly treat patients using psychotherapy (talk therapy). However, because psychiatrists are medical doctors who completed medical school and a residency, they can also prescribe medication and...[ read more ]

What Causes Selective Mutism?

Does your child have a hard time speaking when they feel uncomfortable? If so, they might have an anxiety disorder known as selective mutism. People with this disorder become so anxious or fearful in certain social situations that they find it difficult or even impossible to speak, despite having no issues talking when they feel more comfortable. This inability to...[ read more ]

What Is High-Functioning Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (commonly referred to as just “autism”) is a developmental and neurological disorder that can impact how someone behaves, communicates, interacts, and learns. Although the term “high-functioning autism” isn’t an official medical diagnosis, it’s commonly used in reference to autistic people who can speak, read, write, and perform life skills with minimal assistance. The medical community previously used...[ read more ]

Understanding Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety disorder causes a person to worry excessively about being separated from someone who’s close to them. For example, someone with this type of anxiety may worry about being separated from a parent or caregiver.This anxiety disorder most commonly affects children. While it’s normal for infants and toddlers to experience separation anxiety, they usually outgrow the issue once they...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Infants

Parents face challenges at every stage of their child’s development, and infancy (birth to 1 year of age) is no exception. Here are some of the obstacles commonly faced when children are at this age, as well as some helpful parenting tips:Exhaustion – Regularly feeding, burping, changing, bathing, and soothing an infant leaves little room for sleep, so it’s no...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Toddlers

If you have a toddler (1 to 3 years of age), you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. If so, you’re not alone. As children reach this stage of development, they often begin displaying more behavior issues, which can be incredibly challenging for their parents. Below are a few of the obstacles commonly faced during the toddler stage, as well as parenting tips...[ read more ]

The Link Between ADHD & Creativity

You’ve probably heard of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (more commonly referred to as “ADHD”). This very common mental disorder often causes difficulty focusing, excessive movement, and poor impulse control. But did you know that ADHD may also increase creativity?Researchers are still working to determine whether there’s a definitive link between ADHD and creativity, but many studies suggest that individuals with ADHD tend...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Preteens

Are you the parent of a preteen (9 to 13 years of age)? If so, you’ve probably noticed many of their behaviors starting to shift over the past few months or years. Here are a few of the challenges that parents commonly face when their children are in their “tween” years:Friends vs. family – Younger children tend to gravitate toward...[ read more ]

Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Preschool- & School-Aged Children

Do you have a preschool- or school-aged child (3 to 9 years of age)? If so, you’re probably beginning to encounter challenges that you didn’t experience during their infant and toddler years. Below are some of the obstacles that parents commonly face with children this age, as well as tips for how to address them:Separation anxiety – It’s common for...[ read more ]

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