
How to Help Your Child Balance School and Extracurricular Activities

There was a time when young kids went to school, came home and did a little homework, then went outside to play with their friends. Their schedules were open and easy for them to handle.Nowadays, more and more young kids are involved in so many activities they don’t seem to have time to play in the backyard. On top of...[ read more ]

4 Fun Activities for You & Your ADHD Child

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD, you know one of the main symptoms is hyperactivity. In other words, your child may seem to have an excess of energy, and all of that energy needs to be channeled.Unfortunately, modern kids are far less physically active than kids from just 20 years ago. It used to be...[ read more ]

How To Help Your Teen Cope With Back-to-School Stress

It’s almost fall, which means store shelves are stocked with low-priced notebooks and markers and glue, et al. Soon the familiar brake hiss of school buses will be heard in neighborhoods across the country as kids head back to school. While some kids begrudge alarm clocks and mountains of homework, they still look forward to school; to enjoying friendships and...[ read more ]

I’m so glad to be here… and I’m glad you’re here, too!

Man, it’s hard work starting a private practice!  It’s been a long time coming, so I’m more than thrilled to announce that Triangle Child Psychology is opening its doors and now accepting new clients!  Owning my own private practice has been a dream of mine ever since I made the decision to become a child psychologist.  Since I made that...[ read more ]

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